喜茶 茶坊·山居竹亭
HEYTEA Tea House and Bamboo Pavilion
喜茶·茶坊 全国首店落地广州万菱汇。作为喜茶门店的分支新店型,从宋代茶坊汲取灵感,提炼「纯」和「和」的心智转化为视觉符号。追本溯源探寻更纯粹的茶,为大众提供纯粹的,平和的生活品质,融入日常生活。以宋代茶坊为原型,打造舒适惬意的现代饮茶空间。廊道、竹亭被置入空间,营造山居竹间的饮茶意境。精致的结构形式,纯粹却细节丰富。宋代美学,高雅凝练的空间语汇,融入自然的生活方式。
HEYTEA· The first tea shop in China landed in Guangzhou Wanling Hui. As a branch of HEYTEA stores, the new store type draws inspiration from the tea house of the Song Dynasty, refining the mental transformation of "pure" and "harmony" into visual symbols. Tracing back to the source to explore a purer tea, to provide the public with a pure, peaceful quality of life, integrated into daily life. To the Song Dynasty tea house as the prototype, to create a comfortable and comfortable modern tea drinking space. Corridors and bamboo pavilions are placed into the space to create the artistic conception of tea drinking among the bamboo in the mountains. Exquisite structural form, pure but rich in detail. Aesthetics of Song Dynasty, elegant and concise space vocabulary, into the natural way of life.